Transitioning to a usage-based pricing model transforms the ways companies operate. For B2B companies, sales teams are at the frontline of this change — from how products are sold to how sales teams are compensated. In a usage-based world, sales teams shift from focusing solely on customer acquisition to both customer acquisition and adoption.
Leading usage-based companies like Snowflake have already aligned sales team incentives to consumption. For sales teams to be successful in this model, they need real-time usage and spend data to get a complete view of the customer.
Getting customer spend data into Salesforce
Data is only actionable when it’s accessible, and our goal is to allow teams to integrate billing data into the systems and workflows they already use. Our Salesforce integration is a key milestone in our commitment to getting timely data into the hands of your teams.
Why it matters
- Power product-led growth: Identify high revenue self-serve customers for sales to convert into enterprise opportunities.
- Grow revenue: Give sales teams real-time spend data, so they can drive upsell and cross-sell conversations at the right time.
- Increase customer adoption: Allow teams to monitor customer health and engagement with account dashboards powered by Metronome data. Ensure companies get up and running successfully and are consistently using your product.
- Get a complete view of the customer: Enable teams to access all relevant information directly in Salesforce. Give teams the full plan history of a customer with historical spend, upgrade history, remaining credit balance, trending spend, and more.

Getting started
Our Salesforce integration is simple to set up. Once our Salesforce package is installed, you can quickly connect your Metronome data to Salesforce by adding your Metronome API key to the integration configuration tab in Salesforce.
Reach out to us here if you’re interested in learning more about Metronome and our new Salesforce integration. For existing customers, reach out to your Growth representative to get started. Documentation on our Salesforce integration is also available here.